Private Gateway

The Secret Network gateway is the connection between the relayer and the private computation contract. It implements the following interface:

Init Message:

pub struct InitMsg {
    /// Entropy used for Prng seed.
    pub entropy: String,
    /// Optional admin address, env.message.sender if missing.
    pub admin: Option<HumanAddr>,
    /// scrt-rng Oracle code hash.
    pub rng_hash: String,
    /// scrt-rng Oracle contract address.
    pub rng_addr: HumanAddr,

Handle Messages:

pub enum HandleMsg {
    /// Triggers the scrt-rng contract to send back previously requested randomness.
    KeyGen {
        rng_hash: String,
        rng_addr: HumanAddr,
    /// Receives the callback message from scrt-rng. Actual key generation happens at this step.
    ReceiveFRn {
        cb_msg: Binary,
        purpose: Option<String>,
        rn: [u8; 32],
    /// Process an interchain message through the private gateway.
    Input {
        inputs: PreExecutionMsg,
    /// Receive results from private contract and broadcast logs for Relayer.
    Output {
        outputs: PostExecutionMsg,

Message Structs:

/// Message received from the relayer
pub struct PreExecutionMsg {
    /// Task ID generated by the public gateway.
    pub task_id: u64,
    /// Source network (where to go once pulled into the next gateway).
    pub source_network: String,
    /// Destination contract address.
    pub routing_info: HumanAddr,
    /// Destination contract code hash.
    pub routing_code_hash: String,
    /// Encryption of (data, routing info, and user info).
    pub payload: Binary,
    /// Hash of encrypted input values.
    pub payload_hash: Binary,
    /// Signature of hash of encrypted input values.
    pub payload_signature: Binary,
    /// User public chain address.
    pub user_address: HumanAddr,
    /// User public key from payload encryption (not their wallet public key).
    pub user_key: Binary,
    /// User's wallet public key.
    pub user_pubkey: Binary,
    /// Handle to be called at destination contract.
    pub handle: String,
    /// Unique random bytes used to encrypt payload.
    pub nonce: Binary,

/// Message sent to the destination private contract.
pub struct PrivContractHandleMsg {
    /// JSON string of decrypted user inputs.
    pub input_values: String,
    /// Handle function to be called in the destination contract.
    pub handle: String,
    /// Public network user address.
    pub user_address: HumanAddr,
    /// Task ID passed along for later verification.
    pub task_id: u64,
    /// SHA256 hash of `input_values`.
    pub input_hash: Binary,
    /// Signature of `input_hash`, signed by the private gateway.
    pub signature: Binary,

/// Message received from destination private contract with results.
pub struct PostExecutionMsg {
    /// JSON string of results from the private contract.
    pub result: String,
    /// Task ID from private contract for verification.
    pub task_id: u64,
    /// SHA256 of decrypted (inputs + task ID) for verification.
    pub input_hash: Binary,

Data Structs:

pub struct State {
    /// Admin adress.
    pub admin: CanonicalAddr,
    /// Status of gateway key generation.
    pub keyed: bool,
    /// Count of tx.
    pub tx_cnt: u64,
    /// Private gateway encryption key pair.
    pub encryption_keys: KeyPair,
    /// Private gateway signing key pair.
    pub signing_keys: KeyPair,

pub struct TaskInfo {
    /// The original, encrypted payload.
    pub payload: Binary,
    /// The original payload_hash from the front-end.
    pub payload_hash: Binary,
    /// A unique hash for the task.
    pub input_hash: [u8; 32],
    /// The name of the network that message came from.
    pub source_network: String,
    /// Public address of the user that sent the message.
    pub user_address: HumanAddr,

pub struct KeyPair {
    /// Secret key part of the key pair.
    pub sk: Binary,
    /// Public key part of the key pair.
    pub pk: Binary,

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